Electroneurodiagnostic Technologists Job Description
The Electroneurodiagnostic Technologist is often referred to as the EEG Technologists, because of the special equipment that they use that measures and records electrical activity of the brain, peripheral nervous system, and spinal cord.
Primary Objectives:
- The EEG Technologists must provide the information for the neurologist to interpret and assist in the diagnosis.
- The EEG Technologist monitors patients with neurological disorders.
- The EEG Technologist is responsible for taking the medical histories of the patient.
- The EEG Technologist is responsible to make notes on the graph when there are interferences.
- The EEG Technologist must take formal training at a credited college and then be tested to get certified.
The EEG Technologist monitors patients with neurological disorders such as epilepsy, stroke, infectious diseases of the nervous system (encephalitis), degenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s), and head trauma from accidents, brain tumors, endocrine disorders, and brain death. These disorders and more can be detected by the Electroneurodiagnostic Technologists. The EGG Technologist duties include that of taking medical histories and preparing the patient for the test. The EEG Technologist applies electrodes to the patient’s head with adhesive paste or glue. The EEG Technologist carefully monitors the EEG machine making notes on the recorded graph to identify interferences such as poor electrode contact or patient movement preparing a written report of the tracings for the neurologist.
The Electron euro Diagnostic Technologist must keep monitoring the patient during the procedure in case there is a medical emergency. The EEG Technologist must be prepared to any medical emergency that might arise some things that can happen are convulsive seizures. It is very vital that the EEG Technologist maintain the diagnostic equipment making sure that it is in good working order. The EEG Technologist needs to be sure that the testing is accurate in order to make a diagnosis. The EEG Technologist is operating digital computerized EEG instruments. This takes a person who is well trained in order to come up with the right results. Most hospitals prefer that the EEG Technologist have taken courses in Community College and worked under other EEG Technologist so that they are experienced enough to be able to read the results, take care of the patient in an emergency, and maintain the equipment.
The EEG Technologist often works in the operating room monitoring the nervous system function during various surgeries. The EEG Technologist is the one who cares for the patient after the procedure providing for basic needs and cleaning the patient. Sometimes the patient may be very thirsty and need a drink of water or juice. The patient has had an adhesive or glue placed on their body for the probes so the EEG Technologist must make sure that this substance is removed. The EEG Technologist needs to have good manual dexterity, good vision, writing skills, basic computer skills, excellent communication skills, the desire to help people and the ability to work with electronic equipment.
Neurodiagnostic testing has proven to be an integral part of the care of the patient. The Electroneurodiagnostic Technician is a valuable and important part of the health care team. The Electroneurodiagnostic Technician may be specialized in one or more of the six neurodiagnostic procedures. The following are the specialized fields that the Electroneurodiagnostic Technician may select to work in:
- The field of EEG Technology is selected by most it is the recording of the electrical activity of the brainwaves on a graph or computer. The EEG Technologist is responsible to monitor the patient making sure that they are available in case of an emergency and making recordings were the machine indicates.
- PSG Technologist is known as the Polysomnogram a procedure which uses an electroencephalogram and physiologic measures to identify dysfunction during sleep. There are growing number of people with sleep disorders and the Technician who uses this equipment can diagnosis the problems and often find out how to help the patient.
- NCV Technologist is nerve conduction studies which is a recording of electrical potentials from the peripheral nerves.
- EP Technologist (the evoked potential) an electrical response of the nervous system to specific stimuli used to assess function.
- LTM Technology which is long-term monitoring. This is a method of recording the EEG brainwaves in order to help diagnose neurological dysfunction, titration of medication or suitability for surgical intervention.
- ORMON Technology is operating room monitoring. This is the recording electrical nervous system activity from patient during surgical procedures to protect the patient’s nervous system.
These are all very important positions that the Electroneurodiagnostic Technologist may specialize in but must take training in each of the fields.