Air Force Captain Job Description
To be promoted a captain it is one of the most rigid and meticulously process since bigger responsibilities and challenges are a headed.
Who are the Air Force Captains?
Air Force Captain refers to a head of a unit that functions in the air that hold positions of authority at the company level. An Air Force Captain is a company grade officer rank that ranks on top of first lieutenant and underneath the rank of major, with a pay grade of O-3. The insignia for their rank can consists of two silver bars. Their rank is equivalent to the position of lieutenant in the other uniformed services. Captain’s power differs by group missions. Senior captains can be the flight commanders while junior captains can be the heads of departments in an operation. They are more or less always flight commanders in the safeguarding and mission support groups. Captains usually have limited organizational and authority responsibility in the medical group and is commonly the entry level rank for most medical officers and dental officers.
Education and Training Requirements needed to attain and turn into an Air Force Captain
A person’s first passageway to develop into an Air Force Captain be obliged to visit a military recruiter and exceed the necessities of becoming Air Force recruits which includes age limits between 17-27(If you are 17 you must have parent’s written consent), has no drug history, moral character, number of dependents and residency requirements (must be legally U.S. citizen), must have pass the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Test, medical eligibility. Not like other branches of the military, the Air Force typically only accepts individuals with a high school diploma or adult high school diploma. One way to reach the rank of captain more speedily is to attend Reserve Officers Training Corps while at college. This awards the rank and pay of lieutenant when you graduate and go in the Air Force; however it is better to be a college degree holder like Engineering, Political Science or Criminal Justice and your GPA must be at least 3.5. There are additional requirements for Aviation, including a much more rigorous physical (perfect vision is the best example).
Annual Income and some additional Benefits of an Air Force Captain
The wages of an Air Force Captain relies on their collective years of experience. Individuals with less than two years under their belt make $3,660 per month as of January 2010. Those with added than six years can produce $4,884.40 and individuals with further than 10 years receive $5,540.10. Other benefits that an Air Force Captain can accumulate are allowances, can accumulate apartments and an on-based housings that are given at no charge, education, Healthcare/Insurance, discounts, can give up work after 20 years with pension those have need of no contributions. On the other hand, a Thrift Savings Plan is also accessible for additional income, and all entitled veteran be given a military funeral honors ceremony, to include folding and presenting the United States burial flag and the playing of Taps.