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Bouncer Job Description

Imagine thousands of people having fun in a concert of a famous rock group, or a venue filled with hundreds of people ready to party. No one can say what can go wrong with these events and organizers definitely do not want to have these scenarios so they hire people to maintain safety on events. These people are tough, strong and strong willed, they are what we call bouncers.

What is a Bouncer?

A bouncer is a person who oversees safety in an event. They preserve order among patrons to protect the property where the event is being held. They guarantee that everything goes smoothly, safety wise, during the entire duration of an event.

Duties and Responsibilities of a Bouncer

  • A bouncer in a club usually is a doorman as well. They are responsible in doing searches on all of the people entering the premises. Bouncers confiscate contrabands that are deemed to be unsafe for the particular event.
  • They also check identifications to make sure that everyone entering the event is of legal age if necessary. Bouncers need to be strong willed and should not be selective of people who wants to take part of an event since state laws about minors presence in an event not designed for them is a criminal liability.
  • Bouncers maintain overall safety of an event and makes sure that everyone acts accordingly to avoid mishaps that may happen when things go out of control. A bouncer is calm and collective and knows the first thing that they need to do in an event something goes wrong. They also provide preventive measures to ultimately avoid any unwanted occurrence.

Work Condition of a Bouncer

  • Working conditions greatly vary from the type of event a bouncer is handling. These range from a bar to large concerts. A bouncer should typically be prepared for anything that may occur during an event and needs to expect for the worst to be better prepared.
  • Hours also vary greatly as concerts happen do not happen very often not unless a bouncer gets regular gig. Those working in bars do not usually work 8 hours but they do get paid a hefty amount as the pay is given right after the days work.
  • Bouncers need to expect moving from one location to another on a nightly basis as they may attend from one venue to another.
  • Be prepared to encounter several people that you may come into conflict with. There will be patrons who might be intoxicated and may be too much to handle by a regular person.

Educational Requirements of a Bouncer

  • A high school diploma is typically required of a bouncer. However, there are people who take this career even without one. Those who have undergone basic self defense have an advantage, but those who have taken classes in different disciplines of martial arts can be guaranteed of a position.

Occupation and Progress of a Bouncer

  • Most bouncers do not have permanent position but there is a large number of need to fill this position. A bouncer can start as the usual doorman for experience and can work his way up and handle bigger events such as concerts. Other path you can take is to have your own security agency as well as being a personal bodyguard.

Every event that has at least 100 or more people should have someone looking after it. This is to guarantee safety in property and most especially the people involve. If you feel you have what it takes to handle difficult situations without resorting to brute force, then this job may be the right job for you.

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