Electrical Power Line installers job description
The electrical power line installer is responsible for the installation and repair of cables or wires used in electrical power or distribution systems.
Primary objectives:
The electrical power line installer frequently works with hands on experience.
The electrical power line installer usually works real world materials like wood, tools and machinery.
The electrical power line installer must be capable of working with plants animals and people.
The electrical power line installer must adhere to safety practices and procedures, such as checking their equipment on a regular basis. The electrical power line installer will open switches or attach grounding devices to remove electrical hazards from disrupted or failed units. The electrical power line installer often will be doing repair work on older units, as well as, installing new units for clients.
The electrical power line installer must place insulation or fireproofing materials over conductors and joints to prevent fire hazards the electrical power line installer must maintain and repair electrical distribution and transmission systems, including conduits, transformers, circuit breakers, and switches. The electrical power line installer must be capable of identifying defective devices such as:
Circuit breakers
Voltage regulators
Electrical-testing Instruments
All these items require the attention of the electrical power line installer, since they are very important, and can become a hazard. The electrical power line installer usually needs to drive a vehicle equipped with tools and materials to the job sites where he is expected to do his job. The electrical power line installer coordinates work assignments, prepares, and evaluates the completion of the job with the other workers. The electrical power line installer inspects and tests power lines and auxiliary equipment to locate and identify problems. The electrical power line installer may string wire conductors and cables between poles, towers, trenches, and pylon. The electrical power line installer is responsible for setting polls and stringing any wire or conduit necessary to buildings. He must test conductors, according to electrical diagram and specifications, to identify corresponding units that are already in place.
The electrical power line installer must give full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand instructions appropriately, and not interrupting at an appropriate time. He must be capable of good communication skills expressing to his crew instructions on how to complete a job in accordance with the instructions that he has received from his superiors. The electrical power line installer determines the kind of tools and equipment needed to do each job. The supervisor will give the electrical power line installer information about the type of job that he will be working on; however, it is up to the electrical power line installer to select the type of equipment needed and how many men will be needed on the crew for that specific job. Many times the supervisor will give the electrical power line installer written documentations with information about the job and what is expected of him to do. The electrical power line installer must have good reading comprehension, understanding written sentences and paragraphs and work related documents.
The electrical power line installer and repairer must perform routine maintenance on equipment and determine when the equipment needs to be replaced or repaired. He must also be capable of instructing others how to perform certain job functions in order to complete a project. The electrical power line installer is responsible for customer and personal service techniques. He must have knowledge of principles and processes were providing custom needs assessments, meeting quality standards for services, and evaluation of customer satisfaction and electrical power line installer often must meet with the customer and take direction as to what the problem might be making a determination on how to solve the situation to the customer satisfaction.
The electrical power line installer must have knowledge of relevant equipment, policies, procedures, and strategy for the security of the operations for the protection of people, data, property, and institutions. The electrical power line installer must have knowledge of principles and methods for moving people or goods by air, rail, or by using cross country vehicles. Equipment and materials must be moved efficiently using safety measures without creating a large expense. He must have management principles and human resources capability in order to hire a crew that he can work efficiently and safely.