Ghost Hunter Job Description
Ghost hunting has gained a lot of popularity among those who have a strong interest in paranormal research. It may seem to be an exciting and worthwhile career but the truth is a lot of ghost hunters worldwide are less successful and have less experience than those ghost hunters who are famous on television. But if you have that strong desire to become a ghost hunter, you need to know first the steps you need to take before you can become one.
Duties of a Ghost Hunter
The main duty of a ghost hunters or paranormal investigators is to study the unusual and scary happenings within a particular place which includes the strange noises heard to moving and floating objects seen. The hunters are working to find a proof or evidence for such a haunting or disprove it. They employ disapproval method through looking for possible other sources for any paranormal activity observed such as the result of power lines or unstable house foundations, aged furniture, or gas leaks. On the other hand, if they want to prove that a haunting is real or they want to gather evidences, they will use modern gadgets like thermal cameras and electromagnetic field detectors. Aside from doing the usual, a lot of ghost hunters are also reaching out for those people who need their help in the explanation of paranormal phenomena to ease their anxiety and worries.
Educational and Skills Requirements
All around the world, accredited colleges do lack formal parapsychology major despite the increase interest in parapsychology and paranormal research. A lot of colleges offer the rare degree in paranormal studies as an elective. However, the only university in the world who offers the one of the only parapsychology degrees is the University of Edinburgh. Because of the inadequacy of the actual degree, it is being recommended that those who aspire to enter the profession must have a relative degree in another field and it is generally psychology. While taking up the said degree, it also recommended that you read on paranormal studies at the same time.
Having background knowledge in psychology is very important when you are already working as a ghost hunter because you will be working together with people who have a strong desire in haunting investigation and you have to know how to handle the psychological side of the job. Moreover, as a ghost hunter, you are likewise expected to have knowledge in operating and setting up equipment which are necessary in every investigation. It is also a plus if you have skills in film and photography since you should review the evidences being captured or gathered during the investigation.
Work Condition and Salary
Being a ghost hunter would require you to spend most of your time doing investigations from residential homes, churches, to haunted places. You will also need to choose a place to review the evidences when you are not on the work field like a private office or a common working area with other hunters.
It is a fact that most ghost hunters do not earn that much in this profession simply because it is way too expensive. What makes it expensive is that you will need to buy your own equipment. That is why it is recommended that you can have this job as a part – time only and look for another job that can generate income in your daily living.
If you have a strong urge and desire in this career path, then it would not be that difficult for you to get involved in the paranormal world. Though it may require you to be spending several years to study everything, it will surely make you a better and more knowledgeable ghost hunter. So before you decide take into consideration if you really have what it takes to venture in this career.