Physical Therapist Aide Resume
John Smith
123 Any Town · USA 98109
[email protected] · (425) 555.0139
Summary of Qualifications
My objective is to work in your clinic as a Physical Therapist Aide in the intermediate level because of my previous experience.
- As the Physical Therapist Aide I would work with patients helping them with their therapy and assisting them in new procedures.
- As the Physical Therapist Aide I would assist you in repairing braces, wheel chairs and other important pieces of equipment for the patient.
- As the Physical Therapist Aide I would write reports and keep track of each patient.
- I graduated high school trained in the Roberts Clinic under a licensed Physical Therapist.
Professional Experience
JOHNSON CLINIC – Any Town, USA 2000 to Present
Physical Therapist Aide
I worked under the supervision of a licensed Physical Therapist assisting patient in therapy.
- I would be able to assist patients with their therapy with little to know supervision.
- I would assist in repairing braces, foot wear and wheel chairs.
- I am capable of keeping records on patients and doing the reporting as it is needed.
The Robert Clinic – Any Town, USA 1997 to 2000
Physical Therapist Aide
I worked in the clinic with different therapists helping patients with their therapy.
- I helped patients doing basic therapy treatment.
- I was taught how to repair braces and wheel chairs.
- I aided patients in whirlpool and other water therapy treatments.