Forensic Science Technician Job Description
The Forensic Science Technician helps to solve crimes by their collection and analysis of crime scene evidence.
Primary Objectives:
- Forensic Science Technicians provide professional collection and analysis of crime scene evidence.
- Forensic Science Technicians provide testing for DNA.
- Forensic Science Technicians provide weapons identification.
- A Forensic Science Technicians must attend a university that trains students to become professional analysis of crime scene data by working with the latest technology.
The Forensic Science Technicians must be able obtain the necessary evidence and then analyze it to be able to help solve the crime. The Forensic Science Technicians will be expected to conduct DNA, fingerprints, handwriting and tissue sample analysis, as well as ballistic measurement using specialized equipment. The Forensic Science Technician in addition to measurement, reporting of result is a core part of the career, and you should be prepared to present laboratory evidence in a scientific manner.
The work of the Forensic Science Technicians is vital in solving cases today. Forensic Science Technicians have been very instrumental in solving crimes from the past that were impossible to solve. The techniques that they use can determine who did the crime by identifying, DNA, blood types, tissues, and other things that were left on the victim. The ability for the Forensic Science Technician to resolve past crime has helped prevent crimes today from the same person. The work of the Forensic Science Technician helps put closer on a case when the victim was killed and no one knew who had done it. There are people today who are in prisons convicted of doing murder or rape who have been proven innocent because of the work done by the Forensic Science Technician.
Today there are many modern pieces of technologies that are helpful in solving crimes but you must be experienced Forensic Science Technician in order to solve the mystery hidden in the clues. The Forensic Science Technician is very instrumental in identifying bodies when they have been badly harmed beyond the point of recognition by visual sight. There are people who have been accused of forging signatures and the Forensic Science Technician is able to discern who actually did the signing.
When a crime has been committed using a weapon such as a gun the Forensic Science Technician can determine the type of gun that was used and check the bullet will let them know the gun that shot the bullet. This is one of the many ways a Forensic Science Technician is able to help solve crimes. The Forensic Science Technician must also be familiar with the law in order to present the evidence they may not abuse what they know. Most Forensic Science Technician usually takes course work that covers law, criminal justice and political science. Since the Forensic Science Technician works directly with a law enforcement agency gathering evidence then you must know the law. The Forensic Science Technician may not take DNA samples from a suspect unless they are sure that they have the legal right to do so. This is just an example of how important it is to know the law. The sample taken without the persons consent or a warrant then the evidence cannot be used in court. The Forensic Science Technician must also be available to go to court and explain the evidence that they have taken.
The Forensic Science Technician must be very proficient in the laboratory recording everything that they do and often taking pictures of evidence. The evidence sometimes has to be specially prepared so that it will not be damage or become unusable at a later time. Many times the evidence at a crime scene is recalled to be used at a court hearing. The person who was convicted of doing the crime may not have been guilty and therefore ask for a new hearing. This is cause to bring forth the evidence that was collected at the time of the crime. Since we now have newer more modern equipment a Forensic Science Technician may take a new look at the evidence and check for things like DNA. Whatever the situation evidence is often kept for a long time and can be accessed when needed and reevaluated by the Forensic Science Technician.