Hydrologist Job Description
Resources of water are crucial in building a community. It is essential to have water to survive not just a society as a whole but for the individuals to live as well. People may not know it, but it takes experts to search for water resources and create water systems to ensure that water is always accessible to all. A hydrologist is a specialist that helps in finding and discovering such indispensable water sources.
What is a Hydrologist?
A Hydrologist is a scientist who studies the water’s physical properties, quantity availability and circulation. He is also responsible to know the effect of water on the environment and land.
Duties of a Hydrologist
A Hydrology is the study of surface water hence the hydrologist has a wide range of duties and responsibilities depending on the company that he may work for and the specialization that is demanded from him.
There are general tasks of a hydrologist and they are the following:
- A Hydrologist interprets atmospheric conditions, historical occurrences, geographical date and the geological formation and composition of an area to evaluate groundwater availability and movements.
- A Hydrologist visits water reservoirs and water abstraction sites to monitor, inspect and gather data. In such travels, he is also obligated to document water depths, oversee the boreholes commissioned, and to ensure that the project follows the health and safety laws and regulations.
- It is also a responsibility of a Hydrologist to work in a laboratory to examine and analyze water samples, pile up data collected and create computer models to estimate groundwater availability and activity.
- A Hydrologist is also compelled to make reports whether in scientific explanation or in laymen’s terms and is able to answer technical questions regarding his work.
Work Condition of a Hydrologist
- A Hydrologist can have various work environment whether in an office, an environmental site a laboratory or a mix of all work places involved in accomplishing a project. He works normally an 8 hour work day and may work overtime during busy periods or if deadlines are fast approaching.
- Working with other experts like a hydrogeologist, geologist, other hydrologists among others, a hydrologist must be able to work with a team. He needs to have great mathematical and scientific skills to complete projects at hand.
Educational Requirements of a Hydrologist
In order to be a Hydrologist, one must attain at least a bachelor’s degree in the sciences or engineering. But to have the competence, a master’s degree in courses with emphasis on geology, chemistry, mathematics, water biology, water resource engineering, hydrology and other related course is needed. Licensure exams are available as some states require a license to practice this profession. This job is a specialization so more knowledge in this field will also be preferred.
Occupation and Progress of a Hydrologist
There is a fast growth in demand for this kind of job. Communities and the government are always in the lookout for water resources to provide for the needs of the people living in it. Supplementary education like a PhD to gain more knowledge will also give more opportunities to work and progress in this type of profession. When a hydrologist has more experience and established a reputation he can have his own business as a consultant and can also teach in academic institutions.