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File Clerk Job Description

File clerks serve as the guardians of a company or institute’s important documents. They are being held responsible for the creation and maintenance of well-organized and accessible filing system. The clerks are the ones who collect the material from the company’s department, sort it out, and finally arrange it. For fast organization of documents, many have now installed computerized filing and retrieval systems that enable the use of electronic storage media like CD – ROMS, floppy drives, and hard drives while there are some companies who are still employing a paper file and folder system and maintain the use of microfilm or index card files such as those commonly found in libraries. It is the file clerk who locates the documents and materials needed by the company and delivers it to the company worker’s desk.

Educational and Training Requirements

In our generation today, most companies who hire employees are requiring diploma in either high school or college. If you are aspiring to become a file clerk, you have to obtain or at least finish high school. Knowledge about computers, typing, English, business are also very helpful for your qualification. In addition to that, you have to possess patience to organize information aside from enjoying the detail work.

The training to become a file clerk is given on the job and it may involve more than a quick explanation of the whole filing system. However, file clerks may be required to undergo training if they will be operating microfilm files or specialized computer databases.

Employment and Working Condition

File clerks may ask for assistance in their school’s placement office to find a position as there are also jobs available in the state and private agencies. There are also job opportunities in the internet and it can be very convenient to apply there as a file clerk. However, if you desire to work in government agencies, you should take and pass a civil service examination. There are also companies that are hiring large crews of file clerks where you can directly apply.

As a file clerk, you will be expected to be computer literate. You need to learn to develop skills such as typing if you want to advance in this career. Those who are experienced may supervise the works of those who are still beginning file clerks.

File clerks are working 35 to 40 hours a week depending on the type of work and place they are employed. The work will be like a routine and you will be spending most of your time on your feet. To manage stress and release the tension, you can do exercises such as stretching and bending any time of the day.

Salary and Benefits

The salary of a file clerk depends on the experience, location, and employer of the agency or a certain institute where you are working. According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics, those who are working on a full – time basis are earning an average yearly salary of $21,000 way back in 2004. Those are experienced file clerks are definitely earning more. The benefits again depend on the same factors with regards to salary. They include paid leaves, vacations, holidays, and medical insurance, and many more.

Aspiring for this job is easy and simple. Requirements are not that strict but you have to make sure you meet the necessary skills and knowledge for you to venture in this career path. Just remember the information you have just read above and be guided with those entire qualification bases in order for you to become successful in this decent profession.

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