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Marine Technician Job Description

The function of a Marine Technician is to inspect, maintain and repair boats of all kinds.

Primary Objectives”

  • The Marine Technician uses diagnostic equipment to test and repair boats.
  • The Marine Technician uses diagnostic equipment to repair hulls, propellers, rigging, masts, sails and navigational equipment.
  • The Marine Technician installs and tests sanitation and refrigeration systems.
  • The Marine Technician usually gets on the job training; however courses in high school shop classes are very helpful.

The function of a Marine Technician is usually done in areas where boats are used. Most Marine Technicians work around the ocean or lakes. Most employers will train their technicians but also send them to short training courses offered by boat and engine manufacturers. In order to get a job as a Marine Technician you must apply directly to marinas and boat sales yards. When you live in a community where boats are used you may find a job through your school placement office or in the newspaper. Perhaps you live in an area where that type of position is not readily offered then you should check on the internet job sites to find employment.

In order for a Marine Technician to repair or inspect a boat he must remove them from the water using winches and tracks and set them up on blocks. The Marine Technician inspects the boats and decides on the type of work that needs to be done and estimate how long the repairs should take. The Marine Technician has a very important job because he needs to make sure that the boat is able to be placed in the body of water no matter if it is a lake, ocean or sea. The Marine Technician knows that when any captain takes his boat out in the water it must be safe or lives are at stake. It is no wonder that a Marine Technician must work under a supervisor and become certified before they can work on boats for repairs and test them.

The Marine Technician is expected to efficiently inspect boats and put their stamp of approval on the inspection sheet before the captain/owner start using them on the water. Since the Marine Technician uses his winches and tracks to take the boats out of the water they must make sure that they inspect all parts of the boat. At this time the Marine Technician may install refrigeration systems. The owner may have the Marine Technician install a sanitation unit if they are in need of one or repair the one that they have to make sure that it is in perfect running order. This will ensure that while the boat is out of water the time lost will be well worth it for the owner. Most Marine Technicians like to inspect boats that are already in storage from winter so that boats that are put out in the water have an inspection seal of approval. The largest boatyards and marinas usually employ up to ten Marine Technicians and are located in coastal areas. The smaller marinas of course employ fewer Marine Technicians and they are found near lakes and water-recreation facilities. The Marine Technician usually works forty or more hours during the spring and summer and often fined them working on the weekends. The Marine Technician usually does routine maintenance work during the winter and in some areas the Marine Technician may be laid off. The Marine Technician usually works indoor where it is noisy and dirty. Since the Marine Technician works in fiberglass, resins, and other chemicals they must take safety precautions to protect their eyes and body. The Marine Technician uses machinery for many of the tasks and they are required to do some heavy lifting. The machinery and sometimes parts that go into the boat are very heavy and must be lifted by hand.

The Marine Technician is very important work and the outlook for more is very promising in the future and now. The Marine Technician must be able to handle the work, the inspection and often the office work behind his job. In some of the smaller marinas the Marine Technician must order parts and other supplies to do the job function and take care of placing orders by the customer and file with the state proper paper work to prove that inspection was completed. This is all very important part of the Marine Technicians job function.

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